Step-by-Step VA Purchase Process

Purchase Your Home in California with a VA Loan

Seize the Opportunity

Navigating the VA Loan Purchase in California

Purchasing a home in California with a VA loan is more accessible than ever.

Thanks to recent changes, there are no VA loan limits, enabling veterans to buy homes at any price without a down payment.

Here’s how to get started:

Choose Your Lender.

Select California VA Loan Expert, who will retrieve your Certificate of Eligibility. Complete the loan application and provide income and asset documentation.


Find Your Home.

Locate the property you want, negotiate the terms, and sign a contract dependent on VA loan approval.


Loan Approval.

Your loan can be finalized after the property is appraised and your documents are verified.


Close the Deal.

You and any co-borrowers will sign the necessary loan documents at the escrow company. You may need to wire funds. Once funded, the deed is recorded, and you receive your home keys per your purchase contract.


What About Loan Closing Time?

Typically, closing a VA loan in California takes 3 to 4 weeks, the same as conventional loans' timeline.

To ensure the process moves as quickly as possible, promptly submit all requested documents and maintain open communication with your lender.

Working with a VA loan specialist who understands the loan's specific requirements and potential pitfalls can significantly streamline the closing process.

They can provide expert guidance and help you navigate any challenges, making your journey to homeownership smoother and faster.

Want more information to help ensure a smooth and quick approval?